The Face and Tail of it

In universal treaty,
let light in
to perceive futures
and grow beyond
Nature or Virtue
to take value in truth & beauty
for Earth plays host to majesty.

Light shining
from stars height
plays host to sight
of wonderous things
crawling flying diving

We perceive futures
from crawling flying diving
through fluid presents,
illuminated by light
reflecting on substances,
to open and explore.

Going and growing beyond
the mere surface
we observe worlds
of similarity and
as if the universe
were a poet with
provoking narrative

Nature and Virtue
are deeper waters
open for exploration
There are parts
yet remote
and undefined
There are denizens
yet still isolated
and unknown
as they're poached
for exploitation

Truth & Beauty
found in Nature and Virtue
are easy to work with;
and easy to look at-
though mostly hoarded
anymore for their rarity
as they can buy and sell kings,
and lift preachers into heaven.
Much of life is spent mining
these in one form or another
and have established
more than one religion.

Earth's majesty
in shallowest glee
supplies all things
and to that we need
to give thanks and give back
in our life, liberty,
and pursuit of happiness.
That's all Earth really asks
in it's deepest wishes of us.

Golden moments
play host to sight
in fluid presents
of self-similarity
in deeper waters
open for exploration
that I spend my life mining
to give thanks and give back.