
Ages and Eons change
into needing warmth.
Collectives start working
on society's strengths
for free and open hearts
are our birthright
worth thanking.

knee-jerk chemistry
channels synergy
out into daylight
out into warmth
where partners
build temples
to the stars.

or meaning in lives
calls signs
marks times
and gives hugs
to those deserving love

Collectives start working
with consciousness
as understandings
have always directed
impetus and always will
A tree understands
in its own way
I'm sure they communicate,
but synergy is harder to see
in colder-chemsitry
Rocks for example
communicate stress, With Networks!
What language is relevant?
Is this English you read, or
info you'd be informed.
What network is important?
What language does it use
for survival?

Free and Open hearts
in philosphy of Mankind
use a language of love
in networks of: Health
wealth, acceptance, and ingenuity.
Philosophy of corporations
use a heartless language
of market penetration and profits
in their pursuit of happiness.
But, they aren't people
with feelings; as aliens
to this world with their P.R.
sucking like vampires,
life from reality.
Money is for people,
and people's power to be free
and love sets us alight.

Our birthright
is to aspire.
To use language
as we need.
And commune
with Love.

for being the imperfect,
heart-feeling spirit,
you do your best to be,
You're worth considering
as you have power
to build futures too.
and dream up worlds free
faithful to your heart.

Ages have passed
in our building of temples
that call signs
of synergy hard to see.
People's power to be free
in aspiration
builds the future.