Solar Futures

I like to fly free
in moments of sunshine
with dreams perching
and transform
a future plucked,
remembered again,
in complex intuition
to get around a bit.

enlightens sight
revealing futures
captured by past plants
for millions of years
For only light is eternal

dreams perch
with sun towers
to split water
for hydrogen
fuel cells
and electric
and buildings
independently heated,
powered, and processed
watching budget limits
"It's too cloudy today,
work has been canceled!"

by the block
and wave,
maybe radiation
is the sea we live in.
Our societal metabolism
runs by electricity,
in futures where producers work
and money still buys consumer goods
but credit backed by kilojewels
ships by powerlines pipes
while ATMs distribute
klein bottles of light
and banks become
power substations.

Remembering the present
we are wholly dependent
on fossil fuels and greed
to drive economies efficiently
It is really a clownfish
finding a meal,
though salesman might liken
to sharks in great wide seas.
And non-profits a pod of whales
or dolphins.
Our economies are living things
that get polluted or freeze
or overheat, ever changing
while remaining the same.
just as worlds be.

Complex intuition
can be finding relationships
whether its a lover
or finding dreamers
that open minds.
The best poets
use poetic license

to get around a bit.
And like clownfish
protect their protecting
models and metaphors
For stripped of clothes
lightened loads
of responsibility,
reduces stress
for me admittedly.

Wandering electric seas
for millions of years
independently powered
societal metabolisms
drove economies
to find dreamers
for models and metaphors.