Cosms of Earth and Sky

I wonder if Cavemen
had attitudes
spun from ego
or if they served each other
in streams of mind
through mystery.

of I think
I want
I need
I can't
of me first

spin from ego
while possibility
exists that something
better awaits
to which we're blind
from fixation

Serving others
in selfless
and giving acts
builds worlds
with less effort
meaning more economy
as one doesn't
have to do everything
which one can't, anyway.

Streams of mind
try to grasp independence,
but the more you know
the more you find you don't.

one finds
other people
completely different
making ones loop complete
for sanity, rationality, and self-sustaining
as we buy toothbrushes
read a book
and stock larders.
But out of many, We are One.

of Earth and Sky
replicate in cosms
with fractal scaling.
Create quality and engage
and you'll find your place.

Cavemen probably cooperated
despite me first mentality
to which we turn blind eye
in building worlds...
Try to grasp independence
and one will find
Earths and Skies
in support.