Chemistry of Time

Cavemen probably cooperated
despite me first mentality
to which we turn blind eye
in building worlds...
Try to grasp independence
and one will find
Earths and Skies
in support.

Me-first mentalities
where nothing is free
is cold and senseless
as a chemical reaction
wherein we just combine
cause and effect
for our own self-interest
But people have needs for warmth

so we turn blind eyes
to some grievances of sin
to keep collectives working
as we have needs too
and sometimes make mistakes
with best of intentions

building worlds-
Nature's Health
Market's Wealth
Industry's Ingenuity
Mankind's Acceptance
perseveres through Love
Hope, and Life

is life, liberty
and pursuit of happiness
in our building.
We needn't feel
captive by society
but free and open
keeps us
living lives of hope's love.

Finding Independence
is like finding freedom,
financial or otherwise

Earth and Skies
rely upon each other
and so should you too
find strength
in each others worth

is worth thanking
And so I thank the soil
in which I grow
And I thank the oxygen
and clean air and roads
getting from here to there
and I thank you for Hope

Ages and Eons change
into needing warmth.
Collectives start working
on society's strengths
for free and open hearts
are our birthright
worth thanking.