A Ringing Tone

Hidden mystery
journeys in minds
in paths of safe travel.
Either elementary or societal,
it resides in some things
to interpret pasts
both public and private.
We but need to learn of it.

Journey in minds sometimes
because much of reality
doesn't even exist.
Spirit beyond basic facts
frees from straitjackets.
How we feel or are reminded
of things, the associations we make
in networks of connection
and languages pushes past
basic needs for greater purpose
like eating bread to hike a mile.

Paths for safe travel
are community supported.
They'll have roadsigns
and pitstops
maybe emergency phones
and of course billboards
promising salvation
through consumption
of their product or service.

Either elementary or societal
destinations draw people
and their minds
in both mystery and need
for edification.
Filling up longings and exploring
for adventure or a better deal.
Worlds become smaller
in learning our ways around.

Mystery resides in everything
as spirit is everywhere
It can be religious taboo
buying a car or truck
or simple need of freedom.
Whatever, much is brought
by you to dinner tables
whether low-man on totem pole
or guest; Isn't it our obligation
to keep talk positive?
Giving thanks at gatherings
as they're celebrations of company.
The spirit is in you, too,
whether mason or pagan or atheist.
Life takes all kinds.

Coloring pasts
is how one views presents
Dynamicly, how one colors presents
is how one views pasts
like music in backgrounds
coloring our actions.

Public and private
elevate both vice
and virtues.
Though mostly harmless,
illusion can harm and heal
as real as any kind word
or positive feelings
which are then passed on.

We need but learn
to listen.
So much time is filled
with idle chatter,
in both minds and actions.
Can we find peace
through meditation?
Can we find time
through labor?
In all business,
meaning is given
through stillness.

A little mind can go a long way.
A small cup can hold great meaning.
Like spirit beyond basic facts.
Take pitstops along ways
to destination drawing one
and give thanks for respite.
For coloring lives
peace and time.