A little mind can go a long way.
A small cup can hold great meaning.
Like spirit beyond basic facts.
Take pitstops along ways
to destination drawing one
and give thanks for respite.
For coloring lives
peace and time.
A small cup
can hold oceans
as we dip in waters
and draw out what we seek
in need, and drink
for full lives come
from enjoyment, I think,
of exchanging creation's
natural emotions.
Spirit beyond basic facts
builds worlds daily, through-
our greatest strength
of love,
and our greatest weakness
of adverts-
as battles are fought
in building the tallest glass
to drink from oceans with
as advert of prestige,
which does little to quench thirst.
Taking pitstops
solves problems
of carrying worlds needs
like camels.
A turtle drinks from dreams
A rabbit cracks jokes
And a two-headed goose?
Well, they watches
the wall of the world.
have nature boxed
with box-like furniture
and boxed windows
and boxed food
for boxing days
enabling stores
of gross quantities
You'd think WE'RE squares.
with little square butts
and square eyes,
But we're not, and that's why
materialism gets repetitious.
This goes back to stonehenge
and attempts to house stars.
Thankful for respite
by unboxing my mind,
I dip my small cup
into dreams of infinity
touching Earth
to help minds burn
with billions of suns in company,
but deep space surrounds.
So, I might not live to see returns.
Color in lives
would see that return
Whether rainbow in sky
or paint-by-number
Whether salt on food
or as pepper.
Color, too, a spice
muted in dog's eye,
but shines in light.
a cup of any color
unites similarity.
Body and mind
would dance together
in drinking from
the Holy Grail of lore,
just as any soil
would provide dancefloor
if we were to meet our maker.
Peace and time
are bread and wine for living
lending leisure and industry
in gifts of great acceptance
for exchanges of creation
between humanity and nature.
One can save time in a bottle,
Build a flux capacitor.
A rosy prospect
of full lives comes
by solving problems.
Boxed days
of minds burning
shines light
into soils
of humanity and nature.