At Foot of Mountains

helps create islands
for building skylots
where land is cool and quiet.
Driving metaphors
power and control
actualization of
bodies and engines
in cultivating futures.

of thought and spirit
built in land sea and sky
provides environments
for Nature growing soils
where roots of life
bring purpose and synergy

Building skylots
decked with solar power
could be urban trees
running hydrogen economy
and powering community needs.
There would be reason
to build one in bumbletown
if but to address sprawl
and community of labor force
as well as energy independence.

Land is cool and quiet
outside rings of fire
like eastern seaboard
and western tectonics
Cities heat up cores of industry
though they create cold-blooded interaction
as it all becomes, "Just Business!"
chomping lovers into mouths
of a New York Minute,
and packing dreamers into boxes
of their stomach.

Driving metaphors
steer and shift gears
of company vehicles.
If one is a well oiled machine,
when is scheduled maintenance
and inspection?
What parts need regular upkeep?
Where's the user and repair manual?
What roads might you avoid traveling
and in what weather considerations
and traffic loads?
What about deer and driving in snow.
Do you carry a radio?
How do you pack your product?
Are you maybe too tired to drive?
Have you got a real map for delivery,
or just something you drew.

Power and control
resides in being aware
of one's surrounding.
Drunk driving gets us into trouble,
as surely as falling asleep at wheels.
And loud distractions
can take eyes off roads.
Meanwhile its still not kosher
to run over pedestrians.
It looks really bad
and can result in fines.
Though if I do, I go to jail.
All hail the corporate overlord.

starts by starting
answering questions
to get drivers license.
A bit of training
will enable skill,
but the best
will always get there
through experience.
And in becoming a master
one can charge more
for deliverance.

Bodies and engines decay.
We all need a bit of repairmen
in our thinking
through familiarity
of equipment mechanics
and design of things
one relies upon,
Even coffee makers,
not merely for proper use,
otherwise breakage
becomes total waste.

Cultivating futures
begins by cultivating minds
so I write this poem to you
Schools teach but 1% of storied life.
So one must learn to expand one's mind,
which isn't easy, as meaning
likes to elude feeding you
in self-preservation.

When I cook up
roots of Life
with solar power,
my radio
traffics in
with skills
both familiar
and expandable.