A rosy prospect
of full lives comes
by solving problems.
Boxed days
of minds burning
shines light
into soils
of humanity and nature.
full lives
coming and going
Having coffee
writing poetry
shopping for our bellies
picking up things
that'll nourish body-and-mind
connections and spirit
Solving problems
is called work.
I got a pile of bricks here,
but I need them moved there.
We can trick, we can pay,
or we can do it ourselves,
but through it all- how
we choose to do it
in the end of deliberation
is our spirit.
Soul is what moved,
picking up pieces
and making another pile.
And you body is what
gripped each brick.
And one's mind
is what keeps us on task,
as in minding one's own
business. But I digress.
Boxed days
protect society.
But opening up a package
I find the spirit of America
and soul of industry
with a body of Mercy! Me!
and a mind of better living
through chemistry
Minds burn,
these chemicals
in eating info
and spreading
far and wide
in search of more fuel.
Some of what we think
is merely body given voice
or mind given to deliberation.
Spirits gifts are peace and time
for us to enjoy our lives.
But always minds burn
burning, burn, burn.
Looking, seeking in the dark
for funnier, easier, safer,
eating away the hard.
Shining light
is hardly our diminutive fire
which helps us to see immediacy,
but guiding stars in sky
and lookouts by land and sea
are fixtures for maps in hand and mind.
for charting progress through time's stream
and so we learn our pasts
to commit to memory,
for guiding our hands, past adversity
Soils we grow in
are those pasts
shared by others, too
Genetically one has
a private history,
But our land is our history
and through it courses
conciousness, draining time
that rains like water
from heavens sky
back to oceans to join our lives
with God's creation.
Humanity and Nature,
Environment and Genetics,
Shared History and Personal Histories
smelts and forges us into iron and steel.
If I give, I feel I might break,
if I take I might taste rich.
But trees bend to winsome quail
and grip strong through earie quake.
Hold and bend yourself
for though, futures can come sudden
if one makes time for themselves
we may live to senescence.
Choose Life, choose a Future.
My needs and wants
nourish my mind and body.
I feel my spirit choosing
soul of industry
and in return gifting me peace and time.
A guiding star in sky
from private history
holds my sight and bends eye.