If time witnesses
good news,
Life is hugging back
through cycles
of flowing
stars amongst our eyes
in ancient dreams
of care
for mossy rock.
Good News
served up at
2 o' clock.
Your only news source
for metaphysical gospel
for spirit and soul
worth fostering.
Life is hugging back
when you hug it.
One way is by giving thanks.
Real, thoughtful, thankfulness
blesses both you and food,
but uplifts spirit, too,
by placing stones for spiritual house.
In freemasonry of the soul.
A hug a day...
Through cycles
time reveals itself
as wind beats
and sun shines
Time, builds
creatures unthinking
It's the gift of time
that ramifies existence's eloquence
and It's the gift of spirit
that unifies all life
To that I give thanks
cause it means I can think.
Flowing through humanity
is language of connection
as words build complex math
in algebra and substitution science
of calculus and differential equations
the words reflect in sums and products.
Language is but conveyance
in networks of convention and connection
Stars amongst our eyes
beg connection into constellations
As our caveman brains
have not lost their trick
of basic survival skills
Like we're drawn to water,
patterns quench thirst for control
over our often precarious lives
Stars amongst our eyes
for direction of souls migration
in ancient dream.
What do the stars mean
Has someone stole our shelter
while we sleep?
For guidance in existence
we use existence itself
to guide souls and spirit.
Look to life,
and tomorrow we'll climb higher.
attendant in presents
Your presence is required for life.
Self-absorption and distraction
detract from present circumstance
whether a beer to relax
or movies you share with friends.
The challenge is to connect
in some meaningful way
whether or not one is paid
or some view as escape.
We will in most cases anyway,
but does it nourish spirit.
Life is for living.
Mossy rock
upon which we live
nourished by sun
and rain and wind and fire
slowly feed
life's stream of 42
programmed into chemical codes
by synergy's dream
for future lives of you.
A life
worth fostering
and uplifting spirit
unifies life
in convention and connection
as precarious life
and existence itself
synergy's dream.