Entangled Galaxy

Fear not
changes of time
for even during days
of annhilation
or sustained conflict,
our sacrifice
grows independence.

changes of time
is ever constant
sometimes gradual
sometimes sudden
but come, it does.

Enduring days
is work
made easier
by food, shelter
and warm beds.
Do you have a blanket
for the apocalypse?

at Five.
Just in time
for the 6 O' clock news,
the 10 O' clock recap,
and 7 day forecast.
Expect nothing,
desire less.

Sustained conflict
promises us war
and killing each other
After the Facts
have proven us fools.
Is there no end
to our folly,
that we then
need to go kill
each other when life
only regrows in Peace?
And But death
grows in conflict?

Our sacrifice
of easier lives
and comfort foods
or entertainment
or even arrogance
and wealth
prunes the tree
that is your life
for greater growth
and stronger roots
Expect nothing,
Desire less.

Growing Independence
makes for: strong forests,
fertile fields,
fat pigs,
nutritious potatoes,
better bargains,
and going at our choosing.
If we rely on McDonalds
who's gonna feed
our local economies?
(which house us!)
Foreign oil won't-
and its all foreign
from lands time forgot
in diseased graves
we rob for riches.

Begging for Peace,
sudden or gradual,
is work unfinished.
Expect nothing, desire less
for we're proven fools.
That is my life, anyway,
which houses me.