That's how it works.
Compassion in navigation
helps struggles to make ends
during Earth's turning
while elements power
a majesty of spirit
can guide your words
to mutually benefit
an understanding
of worlds
Next time
your keeping it real,
who's reality is it
that you're pawning off
as de facto squared
for status quo.
Probably an opinion
of your own disillusion
in cynicism of freedom.
Helping make ends
is you, yes
but one's friendship
with worlds too.
Little have we individually
created in this world,
which is mostly gifted
except the few bucks
we sweat for.
Our lives a gift
of stardust eons gone
and come again to greet
each other in thankfulness.
During Earth's turning
Sun's don't rise
Coffee makes tea
And Alcohol
IS technically a solution.
Reality is a fiction
made solid by potentials.
Use your potential
to create and/or destroy
and if you find yourself alone
amidst rubble and lies,
you'll know exactly who to thank,
Elemental Power
is possessed by our soul
You're not any better
believing this,
nor does it engender
more control.
We are, what we are,
living breathing human beings
deserving of respect,
magical or otherwise.
Majesty of spirit
shines with civility
and compassion.
Yours and my life
really isn't all that hard.
It is the human condition
to make mountains
out of molehills.
And often our wants
are bigger than our needs,
driving us to unhappy
a problem generally
of addiction,
though of all life, too,
in struggles to survive
and aspirations to joy.
Words can heal or harm
when one pawns them off,
our lives are the gift
made solid by potentials,
magic or otherwise,
by aspirations to joy.