The best things in life are free.
Likely, we work
so we can escape later
into yesterday's hope;
But a bazillion paths lead
from today, from this present
into good things, too.
We work
in offices
in homes
in construction sites
in factories
on books
on poems
on jet engines
and MRI machines
We escape later
with all these
fabulous inventions
someone dreamed up
Wouldn't it be boring
if all we had were TVs?
We'd starve!
Yesterday's hope
defines our life
Wanting riches when young
or wishing you could write
like Tolkien
Which all takes work
and dreamy inventions.
If there was one thing,
I'd synthesize propane
from hydrogen gas
for propane economies.
A bazillion paths
spread from your center
One can delegate
or chose scenic routes
over industrial by-ways
There's no place
everyone has to get to.
Just as there's no thing
everyone must be.
Today, in this present,
is a moment
where you're listening.
The stirrings of worlds
awaken with light,
but never completely rest
in the dark of night.
Persist, and bring your dreams
from out the dark
to sprout from slumber
for appreciation,
and perhaps they will feed
into bigger dreams
or possibly necessities.
Good things come
from simple dreams.
For one, forthrightness
with but needs to grow
as we are Earth's child.
To be a plant,
we need succor from Sol.
To be animal,
we need to reinvent the wheel.
To be mineral,
we need to be the wheel.
And to be human,
we need all these
while also humane
on top of it.
We live in a trinity
as our home.
Fabulous inventions
define our times
and industrial by-ways
in the dark of night
and by succor of Sol.