2 Hours

My poetry is a game
bridging space and time.
I watch cupid and psyche
pricing ignorance
for superpowers.
mystery deepens.

Bridging Space and Time
is Art conveying ideas
through the human lens
What can I meditate
that'll make any sense
How do I spin it
to generate electricity

I watch Cupid and Psyche
with their eternal lives
dance through cosmos.
I'm left to wonder
about their kissing embrace.
It seems an end of time,
them being lovers.

Labeling prices of ignorance
are complex machines and greed
putting on life's needs
for hope, love, life;
taxes unaccounted by Society
which Cupid and Psyche
sometimes gift
to keep simple pleasures
in life fun and free

gifted this way
come in fascination
of all sizes
with magic
of their own design
lacing reality
to keep hearts alive

Outside, mystery deepens
in every shade of night
the world twirls the same sky
but reality slowly dislocates
as advertising replaces faith
and Art loses gilded edges
framing thoughts pursued
in abstract rationality

My work has tried
through the human lens
to dance with eternal ideas
to sometimes gift
of my own design
some abstract rationality.