Life is a Beeach

Wandering electric seas
for millions of years
independently powered
societal metabolisms
drove economies
to find dreamers
for models and metaphors.

Billions of years
has witnessed
climate change
and fauna evolve
in punctuated events
and in gradual trends,
from air conditioning
to megaton impacts.
We mimic the seas
of existence.

Independently powered
we make local decisions
for often personal needs
copying the steeds
of natural innovation
whether unthinking or not,
for we're products
of biologics.

Societal metabolisms
feeding you and me
grow like algae
anyplace there's water
and sun, you'll find us
dreaming of stars
as we grow horizontal

Driving economies
is solar power.
We would not last long
if suns went out,
thats a fact.
What brings light
into your life?
We revolve around Sol;
it feeds and guides us
in decision and reflection.

Finding Dreamers
basking in suns
making suntea
is a natural thing
We eat light
to open minds
as grease of night
puts to rest, opportunity.

Models and metaphors
ease days' understanding
as sweeping generalizations,
they're all wrong and false
but prove their usefulness,
time and time again with simplicity.
Why not simplify lives
and surf sometimes quantic waveforms?
Poetry is sport limbering minds.

Living presents
mimic Nature
and natural innovation
and in Sun, you'll find us
in decision and reflection
opening our minds
to surf some time.

Solar Futures

I like to fly free
in moments of sunshine
with dreams perching
and transform
a future plucked,
remembered again,
in complex intuition
to get around a bit.

enlightens sight
revealing futures
captured by past plants
for millions of years
For only light is eternal

dreams perch
with sun towers
to split water
for hydrogen
fuel cells
and electric
and buildings
independently heated,
powered, and processed
watching budget limits
"It's too cloudy today,
work has been canceled!"

by the block
and wave,
maybe radiation
is the sea we live in.
Our societal metabolism
runs by electricity,
in futures where producers work
and money still buys consumer goods
but credit backed by kilojewels
ships by powerlines pipes
while ATMs distribute
klein bottles of light
and banks become
power substations.

Remembering the present
we are wholly dependent
on fossil fuels and greed
to drive economies efficiently
It is really a clownfish
finding a meal,
though salesman might liken
to sharks in great wide seas.
And non-profits a pod of whales
or dolphins.
Our economies are living things
that get polluted or freeze
or overheat, ever changing
while remaining the same.
just as worlds be.

Complex intuition
can be finding relationships
whether its a lover
or finding dreamers
that open minds.
The best poets
use poetic license

to get around a bit.
And like clownfish
protect their protecting
models and metaphors
For stripped of clothes
lightened loads
of responsibility,
reduces stress
for me admittedly.

Wandering electric seas
for millions of years
independently powered
societal metabolisms
drove economies
to find dreamers
for models and metaphors.

In a My Cup of Tea

A break finally in clouds
dreams up life worth living
and assembles power
on panels out back.
Through my coconut engine
I may visit friends
but going back on high seas
on an engine that sometimes runs, well...

Dreaming life
in minds garden
is a moment of sunshine
where futures are pieced
together as meals
for cognizance
in directed action
and present awareness

Assembled Power
is in recall
of those dreams
For if you know
in what you need
from a situation
One is more likely
to get something

Like solar panels
the expectation is set up
and the present captures
and transforms
into something useful

To run coconut engine
the future is plucked
and work is done in refining
oil for motornation
but preparation
sets up transformation
There must still be rest to make use,
or opportunity is squandered
in hoarding possibility.

Visiting friends
tell me my scars have healed
but it can be hard to walk
hard to hear, hard to talk
and harder to remember
than life is normally like

Going back on high seas
seems an impossibility
I'm just a poor man now
with simpler sensibilities
but complex intuition.
With little wherewithal
outside local communities,
I stay home lots.

My boat engine runs sometimes,
but it gets hot and overheats
and it gets cold and freezes
pretty amazing though
for coconut oil,
gets me around a little bit
but no where near shipping lanes.

I like to fly free
in moments of sunshine
with dreams perching
and transform
a future plucked,
remembered again,
in complex intuition
to get around a bit.

Azores of Ketchikan

It's been a long time since shipwreck,
and having learned to observe
I crawl up
on gray days and black nights
that last lifetimes, it seems,
broken only by mini-vacation
as a path I trod for survival
in shores of wooded forest.

I'm learning to observe
gratefulness for days
As I could have easily
lost life at sea
Though now partly disfigured,
I must plan my life again,
and build myths of success
to dream up life worth living
or again I'll be drifting
without anchor or sail,
landlocked or not.

I crawl up
on engine parts
and try again
to assemble power
from the four twigs, thimble,
and bits of coconut shell
but it won't turn over
no matter how much
lemon juice is in resevoir.
And, I thought this time for sure,
I even added vodka.

Gray days and black nights
generate little spark
on panels out back
though enough for some TV sometimes
and lights to watch Gilligans Isle
Man, those guys had it rough.

Lasting lifetimes
our lives give us
to pick and choose
all the best things
and avoid the worst,
But there's somekind
of design flaw
in a coconut engine.

Mini-vacations to break monotony
come in many ways
Sometimes I'll soak in the bay
or pretend I'm fishing
I like visiting friends
and exploring new woods
Once I flew to Chicago
and drank over the bridge
But mainly, I'll read
and fill my head
with visions of reality

Paths I trod
are well worn
It's been 16 years now
and people are calling me friend.
Though some would expect of me
to go back on high seas
cause they don't see
my crooked vision
or addled hearing
from the explosion,
Just some scars on forearms
and sun-burnt nose.
But yet my ears ring eternal
in deep silence
Though it too comes and goes
like the pains I feel.

Shores of wooded forest
supply all kinds of materials
But Metal
on this isthmus of atoll.
So I turn my mind
to power through coconut oil
which runs engines sometimes
but nothing to power a boat
And where would I go?
It's not like opportunity
is advertised on islands
where cannabilism is prevalent.
Maybe someplace sunny
to spend my days.
So I can watch Gilligans Isle?
The clouds are now in my eyes,
and I'm paranoid they're going to eat me
in mutiny, again.

A break finally in clouds
dreams up life worth living
and assembles power
on panels out back.
Through my coconut engine
I may visit friends
but going back on high seas
on an engine that sometimes runs
is lunacy.

It's Been a Long Time

My wanderlust
mimics occupation.
Seemingly a dream
of new days coming.
For my soul's body
makes apparent
some of Life is genetic
in my understanding.

mimicking occupation
are children
learning by observing
practicing by play
until big enough for pay

Seemingly a dream
life is a beach
I crawled up on
from catastrophe at sea
onto isolated island
with mostly beasts
for company
with nothing to mimick
in occupation
except animals I perceive.

New days come,
in agony I weep
from silent peace,
gray days and black nights
haunted by figments
of light and shadow
playing across imaginations
as I listen
from the room with a view
to wide seas breaking
upon my shore
and rain pelting my roof
in my narrow harbor

My soul's body
is defective
but its all I got
and so I clothe it
in privacy to protect
and jealously guard chapt skin
This I must make last
for a lifetime
like the quart jars
swaddled in macrame
I refill each rain.

I could leave
anytime I want
but lacking RFID chip
under palm skin
grocery doors won't open,
tills won't ring.
Some people with ocular bionics
can't even see me
I have most of what I need, here
except people
And anyway,
I can't run away
from myself in any case
except by mini-vacation.
Me, always seems to catch up
whether or not I look back.
And the beer isn't completely shit

Some of Life is genetic
imparted by eons of evolution
of Man struggling with Nature
but also against Markets and Industry
as paths we trod determine survival
of both path and camper
whether or not destination
is truthful and beautiful
for our health, wealth,
ingenuity, and acceptance

Understanding this,
I sit alone
in comfort of radio
watching time lap
upon shores of wooded forest
from inside insulated box
with company of chickadee
and it's occasional calling fee-bee
as winter latches lickety-split
onto shackles of my cigarette.

It's been a long time since shipwreck,
and having learned to observe
I crawl up
on gray days and black nights
that last lifetimes, it seems,
broken only by mini-vacation
as a path I trod for survival
in shores of wooded forest.

A Dollar for Your Thoughts

work and play
as fun and labor
in worlds turning
while watching stars
of luminescent reality
to realize navigation
in our salvation.

Working and Playing,
educates skill
ever play with a doll?
ever build a fort?
And yet these things
mimic occupation

Fun labor
seems a dream
at the alter
of greed
so that most work
stresses us out
triggering mental
and physical health

Worlds turn,
a new day is coming
where robots replace
our overlords of greed
for one of utility
Or is that what we had?
Anyway they compete,
with greed often impetus
while utility wins in action
in eternal dance
of material traction.

Watching stars
we know ourselves
as spiritual beings,
souls with bodies,
and don't do very much
if our hearts aren't in

luminescent reality
making apparent
proof positive worlds
which mostly economical,
with positive reinforcement
the surest way
in keeping things simple.
Though some would argue
in support of dark matter
as the brains behind
galaxies's gravity
in accounting errors.

Realizing navigation
are our compasses in heart
If they don't rest well,
often we are lost.
Sometimes we pawn
said compass
to accompany crew,
then they own you.
Sometimes we sell out,
or there's nothing to do.
Remember this then in that case
Life is what you make of it,
You are ultimately responsible
for your well being,
and swell heart.

saving souls,
we all need
on boats of hope
in these trying times
of modern complexity
and competing interests,
and so I personally
either try keeping it simple
or try understanding bigger pictures,
though for some reason
my mind often confuses the two.

My wanderlust
mimics occupation.
Seemingly a dream
of new days coming.
For my soul's body
makes apparent
some of Life is genetic
in my understanding.

A Mile Away

Life's multiplexurality
dreams and lives
by personal power for change
in the clutches of deep space,
and familiar landmarks
wed noble
possible dreams
even if it isn't easy.

Dreaming and Living
is as real as it gets
We could not live without myth
for our brains piece together
association like it's water,
but there's more
so much more
like work and play
for starters.

Personal power for change
can be fun or labor
You don't think writing
can be hard?
You don't think letters
can be releasing?
Life is confounded with myth
but myth also frees
Whether it be the American Dream
or simple hope of a cat on the lap.

And clutches of deep space
give breathing room
for spacemen to take breaks
and just watch the world turn
free of life and myth
free of work and play

Familiar Landmarks
navigate space and time
spaceman recognize
star and mountain lines
as plain as any face
or scope of lie
as they reside
within hearts

Wedding noble
thoughts and actions
is recognition and impetus
as golden shadow
to luminescent reality
of truth and beauty
that make one's heart sing

Possible dreams
take the same
recognition and impetus
to realize navigation
for aren't we wedding
the future with present?

Life ain't easy
either everything is changing
or everything is in rest state
We would place our salvation
before others, but maybe
helping others wins the day
in the turning of the world.

work and play
as fun and labor
in worlds turning
while watching stars
of luminescent reality
to realize navigation
in our salvation.


Golden moments
play host to sight
in fluid presents
of self-similarity
in deeper waters
open for exploration
that I spend my life mining
to give thanks and give back.

Hosting sight
are all those memories
and dreams and lives
one lives in time
Let go of fear & regret
for it causes blindness
if you need a reason
to not agonize
and replace with patience
for things you have no control over
and the things you do.

The present is fluid
one can definitely try swimming
but often currents will determine
much of where one begins again
to recognize
your personal power for change

is synchronicity
and instances of repetition
like any fractal dimension
both in water we swim
and metaphors we win
from the clutches
of deep space
as we explore life
and life's ways and pace

Deeper waters
would deepen space & time
some would claim to magnify minutae
while others would sweep generalization
but in all of it
the world becomes bigger
and harder to traverse
without some familiar landmarks

open for exploration
with which to shrink
the big bad world
to something we understand
without losing the mystery
of existence's pursuit
for truth and beauty
wedded noble
in alchemical stone of synergy

that I spend time mining
in pursuit of gold
for my wealth, and health
ingenuity, and acceptance-
To make possible some dreams
that nag in imagination.

But I have much to thank
in my health I do have
in my wealth I do have
in my ingenuity
in my acceptance
I think we all do
even if it isn't always easy.
Just sayin'

Life's multiplexurality
dreams and lives
by personal power for change
in the clutches of deep space,
and familiar landmarks
wed noble
possible dreams
even if it isn't easy.

The Face and Tail of it

In universal treaty,
let light in
to perceive futures
and grow beyond
Nature or Virtue
to take value in truth & beauty
for Earth plays host to majesty.

Light shining
from stars height
plays host to sight
of wonderous things
crawling flying diving

We perceive futures
from crawling flying diving
through fluid presents,
illuminated by light
reflecting on substances,
to open and explore.

Going and growing beyond
the mere surface
we observe worlds
of similarity and
as if the universe
were a poet with
provoking narrative

Nature and Virtue
are deeper waters
open for exploration
There are parts
yet remote
and undefined
There are denizens
yet still isolated
and unknown
as they're poached
for exploitation

Truth & Beauty
found in Nature and Virtue
are easy to work with;
and easy to look at-
though mostly hoarded
anymore for their rarity
as they can buy and sell kings,
and lift preachers into heaven.
Much of life is spent mining
these in one form or another
and have established
more than one religion.

Earth's majesty
in shallowest glee
supplies all things
and to that we need
to give thanks and give back
in our life, liberty,
and pursuit of happiness.
That's all Earth really asks
in it's deepest wishes of us.

Golden moments
play host to sight
in fluid presents
of self-similarity
in deeper waters
open for exploration
that I spend my life mining
to give thanks and give back.

The Second Sight

Most life resides in shallow waters
where moments of clarity
like the bazillion lobbyists
would water your soul
to turn virtue into soil
on spiritual paths
teeming with life's synergy.

Moments of clarity
may be in deep waters
but occur near surface
where light is let in
to illuminate souls
by stardust glowing
gilding flow

A bazillion lobbyists
are found in one's body.
Each cell an argument
for continuation
to pursue enlightenment
or perceive futures
perhaps knowing a kind word;

to water souls
in growing beyond
mere mischief
in coyote worlds
of wild life's turning
need to fill bellies.

Turning virtue into soil
is practical growth of spirit-
for much comes from Nature,
much comes from Virtue-
creating much of mankinds soil.
It only makes sense to tend
all that which feeds us.

Spiritual paths
take value in life,
and learning life
take value in faith,
and learning faith
take value in truth & beauty
which, creating all spiritual paths,
leads us to roads beyond horizons.

Teeming with Life's synergy
Earth plays host to majesty
with all spirit having material,
and all material having spirit
in both action and meaning.
How to bridge
is the human gift
and God's promise
though maybe sometimes hidden.

In universal treaty,
let light in
to perceive futures
and grow beyond
Nature or Virtue
to take value in truth & beauty
for Earth plays host to majesty.

Swimming in the Ocean

Surviving Progress
of competing ecologies
around needs
and ways of thinking
brings me to life
to seek solace in deeper waters

competing ecologies
dictate environments
as real as daytime highs
or winter lows and sunshine
creating both needs
and scarcity
where moments of clarity
are realized for freedom

Rounded needs
have become pragmatic
and sharp drives advertised
as they compete with peace of mind
in our rights to live simply
lassoed by complexity into ignorance
like a game, but who has time to make change
unless one's paid to
like the bazillion lobbyists.

Ways of thinking
segregate materials from spirit
But the spiritual realms
turns virtue into soil
for us to grow.
And behold, a poem
that would water your soul
while rubblers would grub
in sin to synthesize gold
for material wealth,
but weal of hearts prevails too,
supporting people.

Bringing to life
are these spiritual paths
as simple and direct as sunshine
while devils lurk in details
of complex societies erected
for materialism dragging us
towards extinction.

Solace of deeper waters
is slowly lonely
as my mind still recalls
faster flows from youth
teeming in life's synergy

Most life resides in shallow waters
where moments of clarity
like the bazillion lobbyists
would water your soul
to turn virtue into soil
on spiritual paths
teeming with life's synergy.

A Sprinkling of Words

Lands protected
grants grace
as futures bend
in battles twixt light and shade
Sometimes, Someways

Granting grace
is the squirrel
the deer
the tree
the grass
in competing ecologies
like Mankind and Nature
and Industry and Markets
created through
-Sin and Gold
-Virtue and Love
in revelry of soil;
in embrace of hearts.

Futures bend
around needs
in Gordian knots
The river builds a levy
The elk makes trails
The beaver creates fish ponds
The plants make soil
Humans make villages apparently.

make thoughts
that train brains
in ways of thinking
like said river's levy
like plant's soil
or elk trails

in battle twixt light and dark
the chaos punctuates steadfast
but creates what we know to be right
though itself, chaos, be dreaded-
brings things for life

Sometimes, someways
expansion is mindless
and the grace of land flees
to seek solace in deeper waters
or deeper forest
or deeper time
like Neverwas

Surviving Progress
of competing ecologies
around needs
and ways of thinking
brings me to life
to seek solace in deeper waters

The Thorn Tree, The Apple

The life of lands
creates soil
with warmth and occupation
bidding for domination
in temporal geography
as cycles play

for us to grow
feeding it
as it feeds us-
like life, hope, and charity.
Ages take to replace it,
but protected grant grace

warming and occupying
to some carefree day
upon futures bend
to lift all burdens away
It's your right to live simply
if you wish it.

But bidding for domination
are fears and worries
as one's brain feeds upon itself
and weeds take root in shadows
creeping year by year

in changing temporal geography
as shade and light wage battle,
as moisture and sun cycle,
as winds carry prayers to heaven,
as Earths still troubled hearts.

Cycles playing & turning days
bring new conversations to head
just as stone wheat sprouts in fields
for industrial consumption
a lonely sprout in cracked sidewalk
that feeds nothing but the eyes,
birds, and butterflies

Lands protected
grants grace
as futures bend
in battles twixt light and shade
Sometimes, Someways

Dappled cycles recycling

don't just weave branches
in winds of time
but grow in Nature's ways
doing some things well
at slower pace.

weave branches
produce seed
generate sap
grow roots
stabilize land
create soil
feed man

and protect from winds
with bulk and bulwark
sheltering our kin
with warmth and occupation
while forests together
provide game and medicine
entertainment and relaxation

growing into Nature's ways
a seed becomes the forests
bid for domination plays
and our ideas in mind's gardens
patient as quaying birch
in progressive landscapes
of pulsing sun and rain

Doing some things well
A tree swells
to dizzying heights
from humble beginnings
and simple dreams
fending off harsher elements
through free energy
of temporal geography

At slower pace
cycles play
through landscapes
of time and space
as nutrients for networks
in languages of cooperation
cycle through
due to trees near you.

The life of lands
creates soil
with warmth and occupation
bidding for domination
in temporal geography
as cycles play

In an Hour of Man

Life's stardust-
growing in meaning,
bending in exploration.
I learn
in attempts to clean up.

We Grow
we sprout
we seed
we hide
To weave too
heavens height

in winds of time
-that bring rains
-that bring sight
-that bring changes
to designs of mankind

Sometimes I wonder
-do I have to be perfect
-do I have to do a lot
to grow in nature's ways.
Seemingly myth narrating
struggles to live.
I AM just me.

Learning, I realize
I don't need to be perfect
I don't have to do a lot
I just need to be me
and do some things well
to survive

a realistic life
at slower pace
might make life interesting, again

don't just weave branches
in winds of time
but grow in Nature's ways
doing some things well
at slower pace.

Bending to the Wind

My work has tried
through the human lens
to dance with eternal ideas
to sometimes gift
of my own design
some abstract rationality.

through the human lens-
are we rooted
to soils giving life,
do we grow in meaning
of existence
so the Universe
can know itself

Dance with eternal ideas
bend in exploration
shine in light
walk with patience
fly in flight
swim in ocean
and know thyself

sometimes gifted
sometimes bought
sometimes earned
sometimes not

By design
we live
what we learn
By Nature
we learn
what we live

abstract rationality
for lack of a metaphor
sweeps under rug most meaning
in attempts to clean up
unreasonable messes.
Where's the dustpan
of better life.

Life's stardust-
growing in meaning,
bending in exploration.
I learn
in attempts to clean up.

2 Hours

My poetry is a game
bridging space and time.
I watch cupid and psyche
pricing ignorance
for superpowers.
mystery deepens.

Bridging Space and Time
is Art conveying ideas
through the human lens
What can I meditate
that'll make any sense
How do I spin it
to generate electricity

I watch Cupid and Psyche
with their eternal lives
dance through cosmos.
I'm left to wonder
about their kissing embrace.
It seems an end of time,
them being lovers.

Labeling prices of ignorance
are complex machines and greed
putting on life's needs
for hope, love, life;
taxes unaccounted by Society
which Cupid and Psyche
sometimes gift
to keep simple pleasures
in life fun and free

gifted this way
come in fascination
of all sizes
with magic
of their own design
lacing reality
to keep hearts alive

Outside, mystery deepens
in every shade of night
the world twirls the same sky
but reality slowly dislocates
as advertising replaces faith
and Art loses gilded edges
framing thoughts pursued
in abstract rationality

My work has tried
through the human lens
to dance with eternal ideas
to sometimes gift
of my own design
some abstract rationality.

Psalm 314

The Robot that was Man
is out standing-
love spreading wings
to sometimes win
pearls of wisdom
from cyclical synergy
living, feeling, and thinking.

Out Standing
in cold rain shining
bridges of space
and time,
are promises
of colorful destiny
in heavens uniting
Earth and Sky

Love spreads wings
both Cupid's and Psyche's
Rational thought
and irrational feelings
spring alight
at rainbows bridging
truth and beauty.

Sometimes winning
when you lose
like winnowing the grain
One's Victory comes
at the price of loss
as Magic comes
at the price of ignorance
and God comes
at the price of nature
and Society comes
at the price of freewill
and Progress comes
at the price of innovation

"Pearls of Wisdom"
a type of beer-
a man brews it on 3rd St.
gives you superpowers

Cyclical Synergy
inside shells
of an electron
and outside
by pressure waves
of photon's
theoretical existence
in bears' hearts
thundering like elephant
while framing together time's manger
at turtles crawl.

Living, Feeling, and Thinking-
this force- synergy-
ties the universe together
His proper name spoken only
on the first day
of each existence
with memory propelling him
to ends as mystery
deepens with each
question gleaned

My poetry is a game
bridging space and time.
I watch cupid and psyche
pricing ignorance
for superpowers.
mystery deepens.

In The Cold

In forging futures,
societies manufacture
as logical and natural
as the secret in your heart-of-hearts,
what you'd live.

societies manufacture
ideas from blueprints
held in libraries
programming conscience
I am an outstanding
product of my society

grow conscience
from conscience
for/by conscience-
like life grows life
from life
for/by life-
or thought
or taste
Just as love spreads wings
springing souls alight
on the hottest of days
and coldest of nights

Logical and Natural
is unimaginative
birds sing the same song
elk travel the same path
beavers build the same house
swans parade the same color
Creative life creates life
As a result, Life-
tips lances with irrationality
to sometimes win
and sometimes lose

The secret of our heart-of-hearts.
a spark of desire
in the wish-song-
a speck of stardust
agitating reality-
a seed growing
pearls of wisdom-
a secret smothered
yet unconquerable
like hot-topic
it expands pregnant
in consciousness
birthing irrational feelings

such feelings as love
hate, despair, self-worth
your feelings grow into thoughts
and thoughts into consciousness
of what you feel
Cyclical synergy
building creation
in cycles of abuse
or patterns of love
or wisdom of thoughts
with Life as long as the Universe
or brief as an Ant,
it turns

What you'd live,
is what one learns.
and what one thinks about,
is what one feels about.
it turns back upon itself
what you'd learn,
is what you live.
and what one feels about,
is what one thinks about.

The Robot that was Man
is out standing,
love spreading wings
to sometimes win
pearls of wisdom
from cyclical synergy
living, feeling, and thinking.

Dream of Freedom

Ages have passed
in our building of temples
that call signs
of synergy hard to see.
People's power to be free
in aspiration
builds the future.

of Health
of Acceptance
of Wealth
of Ingenuity
contain blueprints therein
for society's manufacture
of enlightenment.
It takes all kinds.

Calling signs
are priests
of the temple
that read the language
of auspice
and coincidence
in the dead and living

Synergy hard to see,
One almost, but not quite,
has to take it on faith
Except it's so logical
so natural
One looks, and there it is
Like the Tao
it is nothing yet everything
and does everything, yet nothing
this synergy, works together
yet can tear things apart...
quite violently in point of fact,
while being essential in building

People's power to be free
is the secret in your heart-of-hearts
and the most obvious fact
I may be cracked,
but I'd say you deserve to be,
For life is a chance to love
and time, a hope

to express.

To build the future
one needs a dream.
Where will you be
in 10 years?
And that comes from hope
What would you love,
and that takes heart.
What would you live,
and that takes faith
Sowing each in mind's garden
to tend, water, and weed.

In forging futures,
societies manufacture
as logical and natural
as the secret in your heart-of-hearts,
what you'd live.


Ages and Eons change
into needing warmth.
Collectives start working
on society's strengths
for free and open hearts
are our birthright
worth thanking.

knee-jerk chemistry
channels synergy
out into daylight
out into warmth
where partners
build temples
to the stars.

or meaning in lives
calls signs
marks times
and gives hugs
to those deserving love

Collectives start working
with consciousness
as understandings
have always directed
impetus and always will
A tree understands
in its own way
I'm sure they communicate,
but synergy is harder to see
in colder-chemsitry
Rocks for example
communicate stress, With Networks!
What language is relevant?
Is this English you read, or
info you'd be informed.
What network is important?
What language does it use
for survival?

Free and Open hearts
in philosphy of Mankind
use a language of love
in networks of: Health
wealth, acceptance, and ingenuity.
Philosophy of corporations
use a heartless language
of market penetration and profits
in their pursuit of happiness.
But, they aren't people
with feelings; as aliens
to this world with their P.R.
sucking like vampires,
life from reality.
Money is for people,
and people's power to be free
and love sets us alight.

Our birthright
is to aspire.
To use language
as we need.
And commune
with Love.

for being the imperfect,
heart-feeling spirit,
you do your best to be,
You're worth considering
as you have power
to build futures too.
and dream up worlds free
faithful to your heart.

Ages have passed
in our building of temples
that call signs
of synergy hard to see.
People's power to be free
in aspiration
builds the future.

Chemistry of Time

Cavemen probably cooperated
despite me first mentality
to which we turn blind eye
in building worlds...
Try to grasp independence
and one will find
Earths and Skies
in support.

Me-first mentalities
where nothing is free
is cold and senseless
as a chemical reaction
wherein we just combine
cause and effect
for our own self-interest
But people have needs for warmth

so we turn blind eyes
to some grievances of sin
to keep collectives working
as we have needs too
and sometimes make mistakes
with best of intentions

building worlds-
Nature's Health
Market's Wealth
Industry's Ingenuity
Mankind's Acceptance
perseveres through Love
Hope, and Life

is life, liberty
and pursuit of happiness
in our building.
We needn't feel
captive by society
but free and open
keeps us
living lives of hope's love.

Finding Independence
is like finding freedom,
financial or otherwise

Earth and Skies
rely upon each other
and so should you too
find strength
in each others worth

is worth thanking
And so I thank the soil
in which I grow
And I thank the oxygen
and clean air and roads
getting from here to there
and I thank you for Hope

Ages and Eons change
into needing warmth.
Collectives start working
on society's strengths
for free and open hearts
are our birthright
worth thanking.

Cosms of Earth and Sky

I wonder if Cavemen
had attitudes
spun from ego
or if they served each other
in streams of mind
through mystery.

of I think
I want
I need
I can't
of me first

spin from ego
while possibility
exists that something
better awaits
to which we're blind
from fixation

Serving others
in selfless
and giving acts
builds worlds
with less effort
meaning more economy
as one doesn't
have to do everything
which one can't, anyway.

Streams of mind
try to grasp independence,
but the more you know
the more you find you don't.

one finds
other people
completely different
making ones loop complete
for sanity, rationality, and self-sustaining
as we buy toothbrushes
read a book
and stock larders.
But out of many, We are One.

of Earth and Sky
replicate in cosms
with fractal scaling.
Create quality and engage
and you'll find your place.

Cavemen probably cooperated
despite me first mentality
to which we turn blind eye
in building worlds...
Try to grasp independence
and one will find
Earths and Skies
in support.