Ever Wonder

Garden's of
life and faith
glorious things
in adventure
as opportunity arises
and what's useful,
silky, and bright.

Life and faith
leading us back
to good things
leading us forward
to dreams
in leading our hearts

wants and desires
leading us is in part
to Knowing thyself

Glorious things
some spiritual
some material
come in knowing thyself
and what motivates
one's action

in self-exploration
is possible
with a good question
One can surprise themselves
I've seen it happen.

Opportunities arise
like growing things
one can cultivate
are you growing rewarding ones?
are you sowing in fertile soil?

flowers and fruit
like ephemeral pleasure
and lasting works
can feed or please
your body of dreams
and make reality

Silky and bright
coin purses shrink
in all quarters
as all people
learn this thing
again and again
in pursuit of happiness
But where do dreams go
if they're forgotten?
Maybe dreams just
wander away taking
up residence
in foreign lands.

May we all
be inspired
and led into
Knowing Ourselves
for self-exploration
to cultivate
flowers and fruit
in pursuit of happiness